For several
Years now JQuery has been the dominating JavaScript framework. Even Microsoft
did recommend using JQuery together with ASP.NET MVC instead of using the built
in ASP.NET components.
One of the
really good things about JQuery is the ability to create themed JQuery
downloads online and therefore choose more freely.
The Framework
do to things: provide high-level access to things like Aajax-calls and the creation
of components, and add transactions and animations for moving dialogues and creating
more interactive designs.
original frameworks where prototype and script.tac.lous. In the beginning the speed
of JavasScript frameworks was very poor and Flash really had nothing to fear
from JavaScript which doesn’t have any real time scale and things animate as
the process is able. Now, these things are being introduced into CSS instead
and in the future it is possible that the animation schemes of JavaScript libraries
end up there and that the effect will be even better or that the JavaScript
frameworks will lose this part as their defining feature. Perhaps this will
reduce the importance of the JavaScript frameworks because CSS is really
getting even more complete.
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